Welcome to the website of award-winning thriller writer Ron Parham...

Ron's new thriller, To March Into Hell, A Jake Delgado Thriller, will be released around Christmas 2017. You can pre-order through Pen-L Publishing or buy it from Amazon, Kindle or BN on it's release date.


Jake Delgado—hard-drinking, maverick private investigator—is finally getting his life in order with his new partner, Amos Stillwater. He’s cut down on his drinking and even falls for a local bartender in the Gas Lamp district of San Diego. But his comfortable life is turned upside down when he receives news that his older brother, Freddie, has been found living in Tijuana and is in trouble. Jake is lured down to Tijuana to find Freddie, not knowing that Raza, a killer for the Tijuana drug cartel, who just got out of prison, is waiting.

Two years earlier, Jake killed a terrorist, Angel Rojas, to save the life of three kidnapped teenage girls. Raza is Angel’s brother and he will do anything to avenge Angel’s death. Jake is drawn into the underbelly of Tijuana and, along with his partner and a few friends, fights for his life and the lives of his friends against Raza, also known as El Matador (the killer)—the cartel's main hit man. It takes every last ounce of Jake's strength and courage to march into the hell of Baja California, knowing that he may never walk back out alive.

Praise for To March Into Hell


“To March Into Hell is a fast-paced runaway of a novel that never fails to surprise, shock and amaze the reader. With memorable, well-developed characters, both of the good and evil variety, Parham reprises his maverick private investigator Jake Delgado from past novels. As a sequel to his first novel, Molly’s Moon, To March Into Hell plunks Delgado smack dab into the foul heart of the worst that Tijuana, Mexico, has to offer. It is powerful, tension-packed fiction, exactly what we’ve come to expect from Parham, a master of the action-thriller genre. Another five-star performance from a great storyteller.”
—J.B. Hogan, author of numerous historical fiction novels, including the upcoming Mexican Skies

Welcome to the website of award-winning thriller writer Ron Parham, author of The Paxton Brothers Saga, which includes Pinnacle Book Award winner Molly’s Moon, Copperhead Cove and the just-released Festival of Fear, and his upcoming series The Gas Lamp Saga, starring private investigator Jake Delgado.
Ron writes about ordinary people that are caught up in extraordinary circumstances. Filled with suspense and numerous twists and turns, each of his novels is a page-turner that will thrill you, entertain you and keep you up at night. Click on the ‘Books’ section to read a synopsis of each novel, and ‘Excerpts’ to read a sample of each one.

Ron sends out a monthly newsletter that gives updates, news of his current and future novels, and insights into his award-winning writing style. Sign up for the FREE newsletter by clicking on the ‘Newsletter’ section.

Ron is a member of the prestigious International Thriller Writers (ITW) and is a frequent contributor to their monthly blog and e-magazine. You can sign up for your free copy through www.TheBigThrill.org.
All of Ron’s novels are available on Amazon.com, BN.com, Kindle, Nook, and Pen-L.com, where you can find many more books from authors that you’ll love.

Ron is also a Goodreads author, so visit his Goodreads author’s page soon and find out about his giveaways and reading preferences.









Photo credit: Plane landing by sunrise © dutchpilot22, Early Moon © underworld, Desert cacti, Argentina - © forcdan— Fotolia.com

Background pattern courtesy of Subtle Patterns